报告题目:Nonlinear Latent Variable Modeling
报告人:Fan Y. Wallentin, Department of Statistics, Uppsala University
报告摘要:Latent Variable Models are intensively applied in Social and behavioral sciences andincreasingly adopted to medical and other natural sciences research. Datacollected for different research purposes can often be characterized with ordinality. The complexity of data may require models to reveal linear andnon-linear structures. In this talk I will concentrate on non-linear models andrecent development in this area.
报告人简介:Fan Y. Wallentin is a Professor in Statistics at the Department of Statistics, Uppsala University. She is also the Director of International Exchange Programs. Her Ph.D. inStatistics was earned at Uppsala University, Sweden. She is a recipient of Arnbergska Prize from the Swedish Royal Academy of Sciences. Prof. Wallentin's program of research focuses on the theory and applications of Latent Variable Modeling and other types of Multivariate Statistical Analysis, particularly their applications in the social and behavioral sciences. She published research articles in several leading statistics and psychometrics journals on these andrelated topics. She has also been teaching courses in Structural Equation Models in Sweden, Europe, USA, and China. She has broad experiences instatistical consultation for researchers in social and behavioral sciences. Prof. Wallentin is one of the authors of book “Multivariate Analysis withLISREL” published by Springer.